Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Fresh Start of the Past

Saturday night started out like most others...except this time, I was determined to make it different. Around 7pm, I shot him a text "Wanna come over and watch a movie later"?

He didn't respond.

I wasn't too upset, after all, I had intended on watching a movie be it solo or with company. In a way, I had guarded my emotions, reminding myself that I had laundry to do, and since He wasn't coming over I didn't have to do a mad dash scramble to clean.

There I was, 9pm, reasoning with baby boy to go to sleep, folding a load of whites (with two loads in the washing machine and one in the dryer), with my movie queued up....when my phone began to blink.

"sounds good, what would you like to watch"

I just about wet myself.

I didn't completely panic. I told him about the movie I rented from Redbox (Sherlock Holmes), and then invited him to come over in an hour and a half. He accepted the invite, and at that very moment my own personal Bridget Jones' Diary montage began (sans the music).
  • Bathroom - Cleaned from top to bottom
  • Living Room - Decluttered, toys picked up, laundry put in baskets and strategically hidden in my room
  • Kitchen - Dishes put away, dishwasher reloaded, counter top kitchen table and stove top wiped down
  • Me - Unshowered, sweaty mess from my mad dash to pick up my place....

I didn't look like a troll...completely. I had been wearing a cute tank dress because it was comfortable and a dress is always a good way to beat the heat.

BLINK phone was alerting me he had messaged, and he was at my door.

When I saw him butterflies began. It had been two years and countless recent messages since our last encounter. He looked great. He had the sexy man smell that my senses have missed out on.

We sat down to watch the movie and couldn't help but talk throughout the first half. It felt different than the last time we had seen each other. Comfortable. Right.

Half way through the movie, it happened. We slowly drifted towards one another, and before I knew it I was laying in his arms. His strong, sexy arms.... we were melting into each was about damn time.

The movie ended, and after a brief walk outside we wound up playing mario on my wii for an hour and a half. It was fun...but inevitably the night had to end.

I'm so happy we saw each other...but I'm still waiting for that damn first kiss. I've waited two years..what's another (possible) couple of weeks? The past few days, I've reminded myself that what will be, will be.

I'm in like.



How fun! Oh those butterflies... aren't they wonderful?

SS+1 said...

They are...they really are.