I tend to compensate for feeling alone by buying things...lots of things. Before baby boy, I would spend my time spending money, running all over town, and only being at home to sleep (sometimes). I was neglecting simple things like cleaning, or cooking at home. Since baby boy was born, I'm home. all. the. time.
I'm becoming more adjusted to being forced to be at home and be a "responsible adult" (it's been a long and arduous process...trust me). However, one thing I haven't been the best at is cleaning. It's a combination of my mess and baby boy's mess...and it never fails to overwhelm me, specifically laundry. I don't know why I suck at cleaning, it has never been one of my strong suites.
Something clicked around turkey-day this year. Maybe I can attribute it to my lack of family togetherness, I don't really know....like I said, something clicked.
I went on a shopping spree, acquired a new tv, and told myself I couldn't watch it until my house was clean. Although I didn't clean my entire apartment to a sparkling shine, that Friday I sure made an awesome dent.
The past two Friday's I have spent the day at home, cleaning. Although it's not the most entertaining to do on a Friday...it's great to sit in a house that's actually clean and mostly clutter free. Even though I was at home folding socks, switching loads, and separating lights from dark all night long, it feels liberating to have 95% of my laundry clean, and put away.
My clean house makes me smile.
I hate cleaning as well. There is always something better on tv or a book to read. I usually try to do a quick pick up every evening.
Yeah, I can find any excuse in the world not to clean. I used to blame in on the baby, but now that he's turning 18 I need to find a new excuse!
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